Saturday, October 29, 2011

My first Photography Class

Last year I got a Digital SLR camera and I have been wanting to do course for a while to learn how to use it properly. Since I have been looking for a new hobby to keep me busy during the winter months, I decided to sign up to the Beginner Photography class at the Dublin Institute of Photography. The class runs one night a week for 8 weeks and I had my first class the other night.

We learned how to use camera buttons we have to improve our photography. All cameras have different scene modes but the average person doesn't really make use of these and tend to stick to shooting in "auto" mode. We also learned about ISO, white balance and red eye.
The first class was quite basic but it was interesting to know what each if used for and to understand how your camera actually works.

On my way home I was feeling very motivated and it made me see the city in a different way. i was seeing photo opportunities all over the place :)

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