Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Bootcamp Ireland

I decided to sign up to Bootcamp Ireland again this year. They use Military Style Fitness Techniques and REAL MILITARY Instructors. Every session has a different instructor which is great as it keeps your workouts interesting and you never know what to expect. We do a combination of running (sprints, hills, endurance) and also lots of lunges, squats. army craws, circuit training, push ups, burpees, abs and more.

I did it last year for a few months & absolutely LOVED it. The classes are outside in Phoenix Park, which is great as I love being outside in the fresh air instead of running on a treadmill in the gym. I stopped going in the winter due to the cold and dark nights but have been getting more and more fed up with going to the gym. I get bored reallyeasily and prefer to exercise in a group setting rather than on my own. I love a bit of competition and the instructors are motivating and push you hard which is great.

Check it out at http://www.bootcampireland.com/

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